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SEBTS Climate Alarmist Blasts Christians for Disagreeing With Her Dooms-day Climate Activism

by | Apr 23, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Religion, Social-Issues

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Dr. Katharine Hayhoe calls herself a “climate scientist” and an Evangelical Christian. But what she does is blend her climate activism into a pluralistic religious system that is far more cult-like and anything but Christian. Her approach, essentially merging speculative “science” with religious beliefs, has placed her in the spotlight of climate activism within religious circles, even in the Southern Baptist Convention.

In 2021, Hayhoe appeared at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a move that was greenlit by its president, Danny Akin to advance her new religion. Her incessant alarmism about the world’s climate, cloaked in a bizarre mix of speculation and what her movement refers to as “climate justice,” is quite the detour for an institution that should be training pastors to exegete the Scriptures and oversee ministry.

Hayhoe’s alarmism, steeped in narratives about human-induced environmental doom, clashes dangerously with our biblical mission. Why would SEBTS dabble in this magic of speculative science? Their primary aim should be nurturing an understanding of Scripture, not hosting debates on controversial and unproven scientific claims.

Hayhoe Lectures at SEBTS April 2021

If you needed another reason to see why Hayhoe has no business in a Christian seminary training future pastors on anything, let alone “climate science,” look no further than her appearance at the World Economic Forum. Here, during her panel presentation, a woman performs a very strange pagan earth-worship ritual over her as she stands by and smiles and receives it.

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But that’s not it. Hayhoe, in a recently uncovered clip, blasts Christians for not taking her climate activism seriously. During a lecture at Seattle Pacific University, she says:

“Where do these different perspectives come from? They do not come from the Bible. There’s no theological basis for any of this denial. It is all excuses. Religious-y sounding, window-dressing excuses to cover the real problem, which is: my politics doesn’t want to fix it. People have pinned their identity on, as the Bible calls it, the flesh. The underlying objections have nothing to do with God, sadly, and everything to do with ‘I don’t want to fix it because I’m afraid it means they would be taking away my truck, my car, my whatever.'”

SEBTS climate alarmist, Katharine Hayhoe, blasts Christians for not taking her climate activism seriously. This woman has preached at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

– Jeff

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