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I’m a dental hygienist – your teeth are tied to looking youthful, a bad nighttime habit will make you look older

A preventative investment saved users thousands of dollars

A DENTAL hygienist has shared a nighttime habit that ages their patients.

They explained that many people don't consider how much their oral health routine contributes to anti-aging.

A dental hygienist shared a bad nighttime routine that makes you look older
A dental hygienist shared a bad nighttime routine that makes you look olderCredit: Getty

Redditor HippotatoBear shared the beauty tip in a post.

"As a dental hygienist, I cannot stress how important oral health is in regard to your youthfulness and of course, overall health," they wrote.

While beauty fans often center skincare and plastic surgery treatments around the topic of anti-aging, the hygienist urged people to also pay attention to their dental habits.

"Yellowing ground-down teeth will make you look older," they explained.

Those who grind or clench their teeth during their sleep can invest in a custom night guard that protects their molars.

After sufficient grinding, they explained that there was not much anyone could do to fill their teeth back in.

"Aside from getting crowns (covers the entire tooth, not ideal as you would likely remove healthy tooth material) or onlays (covers the top missing portion, also not ideal), not really," they revealed. 

"Both would be expensive and if you don't do something to protect the teeth, they will likely end up chipping and breaking from the grinding."

They warned that the bad habit can impact other areas of the face if left unaddressed.

"Although you can get dentures due to tooth loss, once the tooth is gone, the bone will start to reabsorb and your face can look sunken and jaw/chin less prominent," they explained.

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Most people, they added, aren't able to afford the "super expensive" dental implants to fix the facial sunkenness.

A night guard, on the other hand, would be a quick preventative adjustment.

"It will take about 2 weeks to get used to," they explained.

"In terms of maintaining, you just brush it with warm water and soap and keep it away from pets (it makes for an expensive chew toy)."

People tend to take their teeth for granted until they are in pain or something goes wrong!

Redditor Hippotatobear

Another mistake, they added, is over-eagerness when it comes to brushing.

"Make sure you aren't brushing too hard as this can cause tooth abrasion and gum recession," they said.

To maintain a youthful look, the dental expert recommended sticking to a regular cleaning routine.

"Brush twice a day and floss (or use interdental tools if you have some spaces etc)," they said.

"Go to your dentist at minimum twice a year to get checkups and cleanings.

Daily habits, such as being mindful of acidic drinks and stains, also go a long way.

"Rinse your mouth, sip water, or drink through a straw for acidic or drinks that stain," they added.


"People tend to take their teeth for granted until they are in pain or something goes wrong!

"A healthy mouth goes a long way to making you feel good and keeping you youthful!"
