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My favorite ‘humble’ fruit works wonders on stains and odors – nature holds the key to many cleaning miracles

A common household item helps get rid of stains

A PROFESSIONAL cleaning expert has shared a trick that gets rid of stains and odors.

The all-natural and chemical-free trick is tough on odor, leaving behind a clean scent.

Paulo Filho, a professional cleaning expert, shared inexpensive tips and tricks
Paulo Filho, a professional cleaning expert, shared inexpensive tips and tricksCredit: Getty

Paulo Filho, the owner of Celestial Commercial Cleaning Service, shared his cleaning hacks with The U.S. Sun.

For those who'd rather clean their home with natural remedies instead of chemicals, he urged them to place their faith in lemons.

The fruit, he explained, was much more powerful than people would expect.

"Nature holds the key to many cleaning miracles but our favorite is the humble lemon," he said.

"Its acidic properties work wonders on stains and odors, leaving behind a refreshing citrus that our clients love."

Filho added that many cleaners underestimate the strength of common home items, like baking soda, as inexpensive cleaning materials.

"Not only lemon but baking soda and vinegar paste makes wonders on tough stains and grease," he said.

"One time, one of our team members placed a bleach bottle on top of an unsealed countertop and it made a circular ring on the countertop."

Thanks to the power of baking soda, however, his team member was able to quickly remedy it.

"Luckily we were able to stop the chemical reaction of the product and natural stone by applying baking soda paste to absorb and neutralize the acidic chemical reaction," he said.

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"Whew! We never made that same mistake again!"

The pro cleaner shared other natural remedies that saved him money around the home.

Coffee grounds, for instance, are useful to eliminate stubborn odors.

Instead of tossing the grounds out after making a fresh cup of joe, Filho saved them for a quick and delicious-smelling solution.

Nature holds the key to many cleaning miracles but our favorite is the humble lemon.

Paulo FilhoProfessional cleaner

"Simply place a bowl of coffee grounds in the fridge or microwave overnight, and wake up to a celestial aroma that banishes all traces of unwanted smells," he said.

"You can use these on stinky shoes as well," he added.

The expert said that spring cleaners can prepare for the season by stocking up on must-haves.

Simply having the right supplies on hand can help motivate a spur-of-the-moment cleaning session.

"For spring cleaning success, stock up on microfiber cloths, eco-friendly all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, and floor cleaners," he said.


While having the right supplies is important, nothing beats out hard work and enthusiasm.

"And don't forget the power of elbow grease – it's the secret ingredient to a truly stellar clean," he added.

He recommended using lemon juice to remove stains and odors
He recommended using lemon juice to remove stains and odorsCredit: Getty