
Last day to save! Roborock revolutionized the robotic industry with new S8 Max

No need to struggle with chores again or cancel plans for a night of cleaning because we have found the only deep-cleaning robotic vacuum company you’ll ever want to shop.

Meet Roborock, a problem solver and leader in pushing the boundaries with advanced vacuum technology to make our lives easier and even more enjoyable. It’s unsurprising to learn that Roborock is the number one global seller of robotic vacuums, according to data collected by Euromonitor.

Its new S8 Max series includes the S8Max Ultra and the S8 MaxV Ultra, which have all the bells and whistles a cleaner could dream of, including smart-docking technology, a built-in voice assistant, top-of-the-line suction power, mopping capabilities, and more.

The S8 Max series offers a new corner-to-edge cleaning solution that uses a FlexiArm Design side brush to reach hard angles, all corners, and even clean baseboards in its wake. With its DuoRoller Riser brush, it can elevate 0.8 inches above the ground when navigating various terrains, including thick carpets and hard surfaces, all with intense suction power.

Right now, Roborock is offering a $1,000 gift pack that includes a 5-year warranty, an accessory package, and a Roborock Flexi Lite. Hurry because this limited-time deal lasts from April 22 through April 28.

Our preferred choice in this lineup is the S8 MaxV Ultra because it has virtually everything you’ll ever need to be happy again.

Let’s start with its unique Cleaning Mastery Duet comprised of the DuoRoller Riser brush. It can transition seamlessly to the VibraRise 3.0 mop mode, effectively dissolving stains before swiftly returning to vacuuming without leaving behind any trail of water or dampness (no slipping here).

Roborock S8MaxV Ultra

Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra


  • 100% corner coverage
  • Intense suction power
  • Self-cleaning
  • Multilevel mapping system per floor


  • Price may be a barrier to entry

It has an ultra-intense suction power of 10,000 Pascals — or units of pressure — 2,000 Pascals more than the already powerful S8Max Ultra. Additionally, it scrubs at an impressive rate of 4,000 times per minute. For added safety, it includes a child-lock feature, ensuring curious children can’t tamper with your settings. Moreover, it’s backed by a generous five-year warranty for peace of mind.

It will stay out of trouble with its Reactive AI 2.0 Obstacle Recognition, RGB camera, and 3D structured light, which all help it avoid obstacles such as pets and stationary objects. It can even create custom cleaning routines upon command and its multilevel mapping system for each floor.

You can even use third-party controls and digital devices to have it remotely perform a deep clean, bypass certain areas, or even locate your pet (a selling point in itself).

The Roborock S8Max series features the 8-in1 RockDock Ultra, a self-cleaning docking station that can last approximately seven weeks without requiring manual emptying (a huge plus). Its self-drying system prevents needless mold and odors, and it’ll charge 30% faster than previous models. You can even install your water system to the dock so it automatically empties the tank and replaces it with clean water.

Ready for a spotless home without breaking a sweat? Buy this modern invention now before it sells out because it’s revolutionizing the way we clean.