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A MUM has been shamed after admitting she still breastfeeds her daughter who is nine.

Although most parents stop breastfeeding shortly before their tot turns two, others choose to stretch it a little longer - and now one woman has taken the internet by storm after revealing she breastfeeds her preteen daughter.

Social media users soon raced to criticise the mum and urge the parent to let the daughter 'grow up'
Social media users soon raced to criticise the mum and urge the parent to let the daughter 'grow up'Credit: Getty

According to the woman, who's been slammed by fellow parents online, her child quite enjoys it and insists on not stopping.

She wrote on Quora: "I still allow my nine-year-old daughter to breastfeed from me, and she won't stop until she wants to.

''Does anyone support me?"

The World Health Organisation (WHO) advises mothers to breastfeed their babies for around six months, before gradually introducing appropriate foods to their diet while continuing to breastfeed for two years or beyond.

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However, every child and experience is different - and some kids, and their parents, may want to extend breastfeeding, as they're in no hurry to stop it.

Experts at Better Health said: "Stopping breastfeeding is called weaning.

''It is up to you and your baby to decide when the time is right.

''Some parents and babies enjoy breastfeeding so much they are in no hurry to stop.'

According to their statement, it ''is not unusual for children up to four years of age to continue to be breastfed''.

As some people may feel uncomfortable about extended breastfeeding, the experts also advised ''to have information to give your family and friends about why you have decided to keep breastfeeding''.

I still breastfeed my four-year-old and have no plans to stop - trolls say it’s wrong but I’ll keep doing it for as long as my kid wants to

This, they explained, may include info about ''the continued health benefits, security, and comfort for your child''.

Despite this, a number of parents reckon breastfeeding should come to an end way before the child's fourth birthday - and social media users soon condemned the mum for carrying it on with her nine-year-old.

Even animals wean their young. It's part of the natural process of helping them grow up

Social media userQuora

Sharing their thoughts under on her post, one user said: "Please seek help, this is not natural or healthy for your daughter.

''You really need to turn off the mommy spigots and let her grow up."

Another user chimed in: "Even animals wean their young. It's part of the natural process of helping them grow up.

''That's why we have a specific word for that phase. Every mammal does it. The process by definition involves denying suckling to babies who still want to suckle, so they will grow up into healthy, independent beings.''

According to this person, the breastfeeding a nine-year-old was not ''natural'' - and in fact, they insisted it was ''quite the opposite''.

Someone else agreed, explaining that breastfeeding is how newborns ''get their nutrition until they are able to eat baby food''.

''There's no earthly reason for a nine-year-old to still be fed like an infant. Additionally, if she doesn't stop until SHE wants to stop, then you have lost control as a parent.''

The Quora user urged the mum to reflect on any other ''rules'' the preteen may have, as well as her parenting.

''What other parental rights have you handed over to a nine-year-old?"

How do I stop breastfeeding?

The NHS recommends breastfeeding your baby exclusively (feeding them breast milk only) for the first six months.

However, it's entirely up to each individual to decide when you want to bring it to an end - and there's no right or wrong way to do it.

The NHS adds that it often happens gradually as your baby begins to enjoy more solid foods.

They note that solid food shouldn't replace breast milk, as there's evidence to suggest that breast milk helps their digestive system when processing solid food for the first time.

"Once they are eating solids, your baby will still need to have breast milk or formula as their main drink up to at least their first birthday.''


"Cows' milk isn't suitable as a main drink for babies under one, although it can be added to foods, such as mashed potatoes."

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