BUCKCHERRY's JOSH TODD Loves SLIPKNOT: How 'I Became An Instant Fan'

April 20, 2024

During a recent appearance on "The Jasta Show", the video podcast hosted by HATEBREED frontman Jamey Jasta, BUCKCHERRY singer Josh Todd was asked to name a metal band that he "gets down with." He responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "Oh, wow. I don't know. I mean, do you consider SLIPKNOT metal? I don't know. I really like SLIPKNOT. I really got into SLIPKNOT. I kind of missed the whole boat on them. And then I had a tech, a merch guy, actually; his name is Bubba. And he was really into SLIPKNOT. He was from Iowa. And I was, like, 'I don't know. I missed the whole thing. Tell me why it's great.' And he is, like, 'You've gotta watch 'Disasterpiece'.' So I watched it, and I was, like, 'Fuck, man. This is so incredible.' I really got invested in every aspect of how cool they were. I really liked the lyrics. It was very dangerous, in my opinion, and I hadn't seen a band that had really kind of intimidated me for a while. And when I saw the crowd react to them, it was like they had their own little planet that they were on, and they still do. And I just thought it was amazing. And I became an instant fan. And then I started really digging in deep to their first record. And I really like 'Iowa'; that's my favorite record. And then we got an opportunity to be on stage with them and DEEP PURPLE and us in Japan, and SLIPKNOT was headlining, and I got to be sidestage. And it was fucking just amazing."

Last November, BUCKCHERRY released a new holiday song called "Tell 'Em It's Christmas".

BUCKCHERRY previously released another holiday song, "Christmas Is Here", back in 2010.

BUCKCHERRY's latest album, "Vol. 10", came out in June 2023. The 11-song LP features 10 new BUCKCHERRY originals and, as a bonus track, a cover of the Bryan Adams classic "Summer Of 69". The album was produced by Marti Frederiksen and recorded at Sienna Studios in Nashville. The album was released in North America by Round Hill Records, in Japan by Sony Japan, and by Earache Records for the rest of the world.

Frederiksen previously produced 2021's "Hellbound" as well as BUCKCHERRY's fourth album, "Black Butterfly", and co-wrote "Sorry", among other songs, with the band.

In the summer of 2020, BUCKCHERRY recruited JETBOY's Billy Rowe as its new guitarist. He joined the group as the replacement for Kevin Roentgen, who left BUCKCHERRY in July of that year.

In 2019, BUCKCHERRY enlisted Francis Ruiz as its new drummer. He joined the group as the replacement for Sean Winchester, who exited BUCKCHERRY after laying down the drum tracks on "Warpaint".

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