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Video nasty

My colleague’s disturbing film went too far

DEAR DEIDRE: A colleague texted me an explicit video of himself with his partner.

I’ve been at my new job for two weeks and I don’t know what to do.

I’m a receptionist for a car showroom. I’m a 19-year-old female and this is my first proper job.

My boss is lovely and the team seemed great but one of the guys has been constantly flirty since I joined.

He’s 24 and he’s asked me out four times already. I keep turning him down.

I got a text on my phone yesterday and was horrified when I opened the link he sent. It went through to a video of him having sex.

He walked past later and smirked at me. I don’t know how to complain about him but he makes me feel uncomfortable.

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DEIDRE SAYS: This man is breaking the law by sending this sexual video which you have not given your consent to receiving, and presumably, his partner hasn’t given her consent to him to share.

The first offence is cyberflashing, the second, revenge porn. This constitutes gross misconduct and sexual harassment.

You have a right to feel safe in your workplace so I’d advise you to talk to your HR department, or boss, who will want to stop this happening again.

If you need further help and support, contact Acas (acas.org.uk, 0300 123 1100), which provides free advice on any workplace issues.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy