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I’ve walked out on my wife, but I don’t want her to struggle

DEAR DEIDRE: I keep leaving home because of my wife’s nagging and name-calling but I don’t want her to struggle with the kids. She’s stressed enough as it is.

The children are six, four and two and they are a handful. We are both 37 and since the children have come along, we’ve done nothing but argue.

My wife had to give up work when our little one came along as her retail wage and the cost of childcare wasn’t financially viable.

Lack of money causes us to argue. The house is falling apart and my wife calls me “useless” or a “lazy pig” because I can’t fix things up. I work in an office so I’m not used to doing DIY.

She’s now started belittling me and name-calling. I’ve walked out and have stayed with my brother three times so far.

I want our marriage to work and I want us to work together to bring up our family.

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DEIDRE SAYS: This atmosphere of tension, shouting and you walking in and out of the family home overnight or longer is very damaging for the children.

Find a moment to talk to your wife when things are calm. Tell her that the name-calling has to stop and insist that you find some couple’s counselling to see whether you can improve your relationship.

My support pack When Parents Fall Out and one called Solving Debt Problems explains more and will show you where to find help.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy