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Watch This Ridiculous Tank Stunt At Men’s Conference Where Mark Driscoll Got Kicked Off Stage

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Religion, Video

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Yesterday, we reported that Mark Driscoll was booted from the stage by the conference host, Pastor John Lindell, who interrupted him and told him he was “done.” Driscoll was criticizing the conference for having a male stripper perform on a stripper pole while ripping his shirt off and dancing in a sexually charged manner.

Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, Driscoll later returned to the stage with Lindell to apologize and say that he should have handled his grievances privately—a complete and total cop-out.

But also at this conference was a completely ridiculous and absurd stunt. The stunt included a person driving a tank, crushing cars, and blazing firing guns (blanks of course) through the crowd, in an effort to demonstrate “manliness.”

Lol, as much fun as that might be at a monster truck rally, pulling this nonsense at a Christian men’s conference and calling it Christianity just reeks of stupidity and insecurity. But what else would you expect from such a crowd? After all, these men were entertained by a male stripper.


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