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Everyone can see the pile of leaves but you have 20/20 vision if you spot the camouflaged critter inside in 8 seconds

The dangerous creature cleverly disguised itself among leaves

ONLY those with 20/20 vision can spot the creature hiding in the leaves in under eight seconds.

Challengers up for the task can give the illusion a rattle if they dare.

Can you find the slithering creature in under eight seconds?
Can you find the slithering creature in under eight seconds?Credit: Getty

The illusion hides a giant viper, which has camouflaged itself in a pile of leaves.

Only those with the sharpest eyes can spot the clever creature before time runs out.

If you're struggling, it's understandable as the sneaky critter is snaking around with the goal of staying hidden.

Only true puzzle experts can find it with just eight seconds on the clock.

Managed to find it? Congrats! Hiss is the end of your run.

Still looking? We've attached the solution below.

Were you able to spot the viper in time?
Were you able to spot the viper in time?Credit: © Joe McDonald

The Gaboon viper, a species found in sub-Saharan Africa, has the longest fangs of a venomous snake and is one of the deadliest snakes in the world.

A single bite contains enough venom to kill an adult human.

Its natural coloration and large head, which mimics a leaf, help the animal stay camouflaged as it hides among leaves.

Many often crawl along leaf litter on the forest floor.

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Those who found the creature in the illusion would do well to avoid them in person.

Up for another challenge? See if you can find the sphinx moth hidden in the tree bark patterns in under five seconds.

Can you spot the sphinx moth in under five seconds?
Can you spot the sphinx moth in under five seconds?Credit: Getty

A close-up of the bark showed off all its intricate patterns and textures.

Although the tree trunk is packed full of interesting designs, a moth cleverly camouflaged against the wooden backdrop stood out.

Only those with great attention to detail can find it in under five seconds.

Need a hint? Focus on the center of the image to see if you can find the start of a wing or body.

While there are plenty of details on the tree trunk, the moth's wing patterns stand out against neutral browns.


If you managed to find the moth, you've proved that you have 20/20 vision.

If you still need some help, look below for its location.

Were you able to spot the insect in time?
Were you able to spot the insect in time?Credit: Getty