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In a setback for the defense team of Russian deputy defense minister Timur Ivanov, a Moscow court has rejected their appeal to transfer him from prison to house arrest amid bribery charges.

Ivanov, responsible for overseeing military construction projects, was arrested on April 23 on charges of accepting large-scale bribes. Following the hearing at Moscow City Court, attorney Murad Musayev revealed that the case involved allegations amounting to approximately 1 billion rubles ($11 million). Ivanov, who has been suspended from duty, faces accusations alongside two other individuals.

The arrest of such a high-ranking official is uncommon in Russia, raising questions about the circumstances leading to Ivanov’s detention. Allegations regarding Ivanov’s opulent lifestyle were previously brought to light by the anti-corruption investigations conducted by the team of late opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Ivanov’s connection with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his involvement in military projects, including construction efforts in Mariupol, Ukraine, have garnered attention. Reports indicate Ivanov’s oversight of construction activities in the besieged Ukrainian port city, highlighting his significant role within the Russian military establishment.

While instances of prosecuting high-level officials remain rare in Russia, past cases like that of former Deputy Culture Minister Olga Yarilova and former Economics Minister Alexei Ulyukayev serve as reminders of the legal actions taken against government figures accused of corruption. Yarilova faces trial for embezzlement charges, while Ulyukayev was sentenced to prison for bribery, reflecting the ongoing challenges of combating corruption within Russia’s political landscape.

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