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The Slovak police have initiated proceedings under the terrorism act after more than 1100 reports of schools, banks, and other institutions being mined across the country, according to Aktuality.

Roman Gašpar, a representative of the Slovak police leadership, told journalists that on May 7, approximately a thousand schools received messages about “mining” “almost throughout Slovakia.” Explosive experts, canine units with specially trained service dogs, and special police units were deployed to check educational institutions.

The Slovak police also registered 110 threats of mining banking institutions and 40 threats of mining electrical goods stores.

“We are actively working to determine the essence of the crime and trace the author of the emails, as well as cooperating with other security services and foreign partners,” concluded Roman Gašpar.

Based on the information received, the Slovak National Crime Agency has opened criminal proceedings under the terrorism act. It carries a punishment of 20-25 years in prison or life imprisonment.

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