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The European Commission has tasked the Belgian Institute of Post and Telecommunications (BIPT) with overseeing the messaging platform Telegram, known for its popularity among political extremists, criminals, and terrorists.

With over 700 million active users worldwide, including an estimated 40 million in Europe, Telegram has faced criticism for its limited content moderation. BIPT’s new role grants it EU-wide jurisdiction over Telegram, empowering it to address concerns regarding illegal content on the platform. Mathias Vermeulen of the data law firm AWO highlighted the importance of this move, stating that individuals across the EU can now file complaints with BIPT if Telegram fails to act on reports of violent incitement against religious institutions.

BIPT’s authority extends to imposing penalties on Telegram if it fails to comply with regulatory demands. While awaiting official designation as the competent authority, BIPT is expected to assume its role in a matter of days.

In Belgium, BIPT will collaborate closely with the country’s language community telecom regulators. However, formal ratification of a cooperation agreement by the federal and regional parliaments is still pending. This agreement aims to facilitate effective coordination among regulators in addressing Telegram-related concerns.

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