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A 15-year-old boy from Germany has been found guilty of stabbing a six-year-old boy to death, as reported by Kurier. The district court of Neubrandenburg sentenced him to seven years and nine months in juvenile detention.

The incident occurred in Pragsdorf, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where the 15-year-old allegedly stabbed the young Joel. The court deemed it proven that the teenager committed the act. Despite being only 14 years old at the time of the crime, he was charged with murder.

The trial was held behind closed doors, but press representatives were allowed during the verdict. Both the victim’s parents’ lawyer and the prosecution argued for murder. Initially, the teenager claimed not to have acted alone, but shortly before the verdict, he unexpectedly confessed to the crime and admitted to acting alone.

The verdict is not yet final. The case had caused shock nationwide, and the perpetrator was arrested about two weeks after the incident.

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