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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s prospects of becoming former President Donald Trump’s running mate are waning due to a string of controversies, ABC News reported.

Initially considered a contender, Noem’s standing with Trump has weakened notably in recent months. One significant blow came with a lawsuit alleging deceptive advertising over a promotional video she released endorsing an out-of-state dentist.

Furthermore, the revelation in Noem’s upcoming memoir about her decision to shoot one of her dogs has stirred additional scrutiny. The incident, where she described the dog as “untrainable” and exhibiting aggression, has drawn criticism from animal advocates and sparked concerns about her judgment. Noem’s response to the backlash has further fueled debate, with some questioning her suitability for national office.

Despite her earlier endorsement by Trump and her alignment with his political stance, Noem’s actions and controversies have led to doubts about her readiness for the vice presidency. Some sources have even drawn comparisons between Noem and Sarah Palin, suggesting that her perceived lack of preparedness could undermine her credibility on the national stage.

As speculation continues about Trump’s potential running mate, Noem’s fading chances highlight the complexity of navigating political alliances and controversies in pursuit of higher office.

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