- + Publication - Taji Times—The 106th Transfers Authority to The 278th; Half-marathon honors fallen warriors; women's history month: military women paving the way; [Author: 106...
- + Publication - Taji Times—Editor's Final Words; Around Taji; Medics Engage in Mass Casualty Exercise, Black History Month, Little Known Facts; Soldiers Run in Observance of MLK...
- + Publication - Taji Times—A guitar, a heart and a fedora; Meet the new editor; New pay charts; Entertainment guide; Operation Back to School Veteran's Day mission; Around Taji;...
- + Publication - Taji Times—1st ACB Assists in Joint Air Assault; Cavalry, IA Troopers Share Struggle to Earn Silver Spurs; Air Cav, IAF Fly Joint Mission over Baghdad, 96th Sust...
- + Monticello Soldier named 'Soldier of the Month'—Sgt. Charles William "Will" Stanback, Jr. of Monticello, Miss., is named the 106th Brigade Support Battalion, 155th Brigade Combat Team, Mississippi A...
- + Monticello Soldier named 'Soldier of the Month'—Sgt. Charles William "Will" Stanback, Jr. of Monticello, Miss., was named "Soldier of the Month," Oct. 19, on Camp Taji, Iraq. [Author: Staff Sgt. Emi...
- + Publication - Taji Times—Army Ten-Mile Shadow Run; 1-82 Dragons Assess Twin Schools Project; Alpha Co., 115th BSB Basketball Champions; 721st AEAS Brings Night Vision to IqAF ...
- + Monticello Soldier named Soldier of the Month [Image 2 of 2]—Sgt. Matthew J. Russell of Monticello, Miss., is named the 106th Brigade Support Battalion, 155th Brigade Combat Team, Mississippi Army National Guard...
- + Monticello Soldier named Soldier of the Month [Image 1 of 2]—Command Sgt. Maj. Sylvester Bolton, the command sergeant major of the 106th Brigade Support Battalion, 155th Brigade Combat Team, Mississippi Army Nat...
- + Monticello Soldier named Soldier of the Month—Sgt. Matthew J. Russell of Monticello, Miss., claimed the esteemed title of "Soldier of the Month" Aug. 26 on Camp Taji, Iraq. [Author: Staff Sgt. Emi...
- + Publication - Taji Times—1-82nd FA Solider returns to Camp Taji; Camp Taji Garrison Command celebrates Elvis Presley; 3-227th AHB Aviation Maintenance does it right; 4-227th A...
- + Publication - Taji Times—Mississippi Guard takes over Garrison Command; Celebrate Women's Equality Day; Taji Firefighters and 1st ACB team up; Your Post 9/11 GI Bill questions...
As of 12/27/24 5:28am. Last new 11/24/24 11:33am. Score: 457
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