- + 1. Introduction for 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 20181. Introduction for 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 —MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/15-S12F18 YouTube Playlist: ht...
- + 2. Money, Ledgers & Bitcoin2. Money, Ledgers & Bitcoin —yt:video:5auv_xrvoJk 5auv_xrvoJk UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 3. Blockchain Basics & Cryptography3. Blockchain Basics & Cryptography —yt:video:0UvVOMZqpEA 0UvVOMZqpEA UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 4. Blockchain Basics & Consensus4. Blockchain Basics & Consensus —yt:video:w7HDA8gUbpQ w7HDA8gUbpQ UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 5. Blockchain Basics & Transactions, UTXO and Script Code5. Blockchain Basics & Transactions, UTXO and Script Code —yt:video:zGDTt9Q3vyM zGDTt9Q3vyM UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 6. Smart Contracts and DApps6. Smart Contracts and DApps —yt:video:JPkgJwJHYSc JPkgJwJHYSc UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 7. Technical Challenges7. Technical Challenges —yt:video:GLVrOlHLJ1U GLVrOlHLJ1U UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 8. Public Policy8. Public Policy —yt:video:sMnBl0g3Ev4 sMnBl0g3Ev4 UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 9. Permissioned Systems9. Permissioned Systems —yt:video:vPJ8oQ99r9c vPJ8oQ99r9c UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 10. Financial System Challenges & Opportunities10. Financial System Challenges & Opportunities —yt:video:l0vD_FBWk0g l0vD_FBWk0g UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 11. Blockchain Economics11. Blockchain Economics —yt:video:_eGNSuTBc60 _eGNSuTBc60 UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 12. Assessing Use Cases12. Assessing Use Cases —yt:video:ObGYNQLG3us ObGYNQLG3us UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 13. Payments, Part 113. Payments, Part 1 —yt:video:ojcOUtUwIe4 ojcOUtUwIe4 UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 14. Payments, Part 214. Payments, Part 2 —yt:video:_Ycy0Dy-B1c _Ycy0Dy-B1c UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
- + 15. Central Banks & Commercial Banking, Part 115. Central Banks & Commercial Banking, Part 1 —yt:video:lPD9fx8fK1k lPD9fx8fK1k UCEBb1b_L6zDS3xTUrIALZOw MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gen...
As of 2/13/25 12:10pm. Last new 2/11/25 4:32pm. Score: 1294
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