- + Exploring Implementation of Trauma-Engaged Practices in Alaska Schools—To help schools address the negative impacts of childhood trauma, Alaska released a Framework for Trauma-Engaged Practice in 2019, as well as a suite ...
- + REL Pacific's new study on Palau Community College education students' graduation patterns—REL Pacific examined graduation patterns of teacher education students at Palau Community College to support teacher training and recruitment efforts ...
- + Stabilizing School Performance Measures Can Help States Identify Schools and Student Groups Most in Need of Support—This report by REL Mid-Atlantic shows how stabilizing aggregate measures of academic proficiency and growth improves their reliability, especially for...
- + REL West Webinar: Unpacking the Diversity of Multilingual Learners and Communities—Join REL West for an informative discussion on the diversity of multilingual learners and how research, policy, and practice can better understand div...
- + REL Mid-Atlantic helps make the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s school climate survey more useful and actionable—The Pennsylvania Department of Education's Office for Safe Schools partnered with REL Mid-Atlantic to assess approaches to scoring and defining perfor...
- + Examining Implementation and Outcomes of the Project On-Track High-Dosage Tutoring Program—REL Appalachia’s study report describes how schools in northeastern Tennessee implemented Project On-Track, the characteristics of students who ...
- + Assessing the validity and reliability of the Pennsylvania school climate survey for elementary school students—REL Mid-Atlantic partnered with The Pennsylvania Department of Education's Office for Safe Schools to conduct a study analyzing the validity and relia...
- + COVID-19 and School Climate in a Sample of Pennsylvania Schools—This REL Mid-Atlantic study assessed how school climate changed during the pandemic using data from the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s s...
- + REL Southwest Webinar: Developing Culturally Responsive Educators: Teacher Preparation, Job-Embedded Support, and Professional Educator Growth Systems for Schools Serving Indigenous Populations—This webinar will highlight how the Santa Fe Indian School and REL Southwest aligned the school's educator evaluation system to the context of the New...
- + REL West Webinar: Identifying Teacher Professional Learning Needs to Support English Learner Student Instruction—This webinar will highlight a REL West resource to identify teacher professional learning needs to support evidence-based English learner instruction ...
- + The Louisiana Believe and Prepare educator preparation reform: Findings from the pilot and early implementation years—REL Southwest examined the extent to which the Louisiana Believe and Prepare educator preparation reform is contributing to expected improvement in th...
- + Encouraging families to visit a literacy website—In Arkansas, REL Southwest studied the effectiveness of using emails and text messages to increase the number of parents or guardians of elementary sc...
- + Stabilizing school accountability metrics—This white paper describes a way to improve school accountability metrics by reducing measurement error, which can obscure school performance, especia...
- + Indicators of School Performance in Texas—REL Southwest partnered with the Texas Education Agency to examine student behaviors and teacher factors that could be used to create indicators of sc...
- + Biliteracy Seals in a Large Urban District in New Mexico: Who Earns Them and How Do They Impact College Outcomes?—REL Southwest examined the characteristics and college readiness of students from three cohorts of grade 12 students in 2017/18–2019/20 in a lar...
As of 2/13/25 11:39am. Last new 2/11/25 4:32pm. Score: 1135
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