- + Time-Profile Study of Type III Solar Radio Bursts Using Parker Solar Probe by Tulsi Thapa and Yihua Yan—Type III solar radio bursts are frequent and powerful radio emissions caused by electron beams travelling through the solar corona into the interplane...
- + The angular and frequency dependence of solar radio burst rise and decay times using multi-spacecraft observations by Nicolina Chrysaphi et al.—Density fluctuations populating the heliosphere interfere with propagating radio photons, altering their trajectories through frequency-dependent effe...
- + A Catalog of Metric Type II Radio Bursts Detected by RSTN During Solar Cycle 24 by Bendict Lawrance et al.—Metric type II radio bursts are a type of solar radio emission characterized by a slowly drifting radio emission observed in dynamic spectra. They are...
- + GUI for the e – CALLISTO Data: Analysis of Type II and Type III Solar Radio Bursts by Yashan Hettiarachchi et al.—Solar radio bursts (SRBs) are sudden peaks in the low-frequency radio emissions originating from the sun. These emissions can also help predict space ...
- + Energetics of compressive waves in the solar corona by Francesco Azzollini et al—Inelastic scattering off moving or oscillating density fluctuations leads to broadening of radio signals propagating in the solar corona and solar win...
- + Data Release of Solar Radio Bursts observed by CBSm at the metric wavelength by Yao Chen et al.—Here we release the spectral data of solar radio bursts recorded by the Chashan Broadband Solar radio spectrograph (CBSm), located in the Chashan moun...
- + Solar Microwave Polarization Observed by the Newest and Oldest Solar Radio Telescopes by Masumi Shimojo—Polarization, regardless of wavelength, is one of the key observables for understanding the solar atmosphere because it provides information about mag...
- + Spectroscopic Imaging of the Sun with MeerKAT: Opening a New Frontier in Solar Physics by Kansabanik et al.—Since the discovery of solar radio emission in the late 1940s, the Sun has been studied in great detail across a wide range of frequencies from a few ...
- + Weak Solar Radio Bursts from the Solar Wind Acceleration Region Observed by the Parker Solar Probe and Its Probable Emission Mechanism by Ling Chen et al.—The study of solar wind acceleration and coronal heating has been a major challenge in solar physics. The main difficulty is that the collisionless ch...
- + An Interactive Visual Tool for the Anisotropic Scattering of Solar Radio Bursts by Daniel L. Clarkson et al—The turbulent heliosphere has a significant effect on the observed characteristics of radio emission produced in, or viewed through, the solar atmosph...
- + The physics of solar spectral imaging observations in dm-cm wavelengths and space weather by Tan et al.—Recent years, several new generation solar radio telescopes operating in the centimeter decimeter (dm-cm) wavelengths have emerged in the world, inclu...
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