- + ‘I was right behind her’ - CAP medic intervenes in a crisis—‘I was right behind her’ - CAP medic intervenes in a crisis FORT KNOX, Ky. - When a Command Assessment Program candidate collapsed, her doc was right...
- + CAP26 stays world class with the InBody770—FORT KNOX, Ky. - In June of 2023, the Army rolled out a revamp of the Army Body Composition Program. Since June of 2024, Soldiers needing to be taped ...
- + Command Assessment Program aligns with Human Resources Command—FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Command Assessment Program begins alignment with U.S. Army Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky on May 1, 2024. CAP wi...
- + CAP25 closes with largest assessment of candidates to date—The U.S. Army Command Assessment Program finished out its fourth year of assessing Soldiers and civilians for placement into key command and staff pos...
- + The Army Coaching Program—The Army Coaching Program brings executive style coaching to all Soldiers and Army Civilians, supporting professional and personal growth of Army lead...
- + Leveraging Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors for the Talent Marketplace—As the marketplace continues to evolve, Soldiers are asking how they can best compete for their preferred assignments while units ask how they best co...
- + Army shares Command Assessment Program best practices with Air Force Personnel Center, Navy Personnel Command Commanders—The Air Force Personnel Center and Navy PERSCOM commanders, equivalents of the Army’s HRC commander, visited Fort Knox, Ky, to observe the CAP.
- + How to become a Certified Army Coach: Eligible Soldiers and DA Civilians can apply—Service members and Department of the Army Civilians will soon be able to become certified Army Coaches thanks to an Inter-Service Coach Training Pilo...
- + Brig. Gen. Funck Assumes Leadership of Army Talent Management Task Force—The Army has announced Brig. Gen. Brett Funck will assume duties as the Director of the U.S. Army Talent Management Task Force (ATMTF) from Brig. Gen....
- + Outreach Program Promotes Diversity in Combat Arms—Recently, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets from across the country had the opportunity to interact and ask questions of combat arms Army o...
- + Army Talent Management Task Force releases podcast channel—words
- + New Pilot Program Helps Army Select Best Fit for First Sergeants—Recently 15 senior non-commissioned officers took part in a pilot program to help the Army better assign first sergeants to companies based on their u...
- + Annual talent management conference underscores future of work—The third annual Army Talent Management Planning Conference (Virtual) began Monday morning, March 15, with remarks from Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Jame...
- + "The 'So What' Behind KSBs - Part 2"—In the previous article, The ‘So What’ Behind KSBs – Part 1, we discussed the importance of KSB-Ps for officers and units in the Army Talent Alignment...
- + New report highlights talent management milestones—The U.S. Army Talent Management Task Force (ATMTF) is set to release the first-ever Army Talent Management annual report. The inaugural report highlig...
- + Army Talent Management welcomes new director—U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Drew assumes duties as the Director of the U.S. Army Talent Management Task Force (ATMTF) from Maj. Gen. J.P. McGee, as...
- + Army releases names of officers selected for battalion command—The Army published the names of the officers selected for battalion command and key billets for fiscal year 2022. Common Access Card (CAC) users may a...
- + New retirement extensions allow the Army to retain critical talent—U.S. Army Colonel Paul Schmitt, a Foreign Area Officer (FAO) stationed in Kyiv, Ukraine, was planning to retire after 30 years of service. Schmitt ser...
- + Army releases names of officers selected for colonel-level command —The Army published the names of the officers selected for colonel-level command and key billets for fiscal year 2022. Common Access Card (CAC) users m...
- + The "So What" Behind KSBs—(article was originally published in Follow Me! 1st Quarter Fy21 addition) Talent Management is the buzzword behind all of the changes to officer pers...
- + Army expands command assessment program to senior enlisted leaders—The Army Talent Management Task Force will conduct a prototype of the Sergeants Major Assessment Program (SMAP) from November 14 – 18, 2020 at Fort Kn...
- + Chat with talent management experts at virtual booth—The Army Talent Management Task Force invites conference attendees to visit the Army Talent Management virtual booth at the Association of the United ...
- + Talent management front and center at annual conference—Army Talent Management will take top billing during the annual Association of the United States Army conference on October 15. Four of the Army’s top ...
- + New tool gathers subordinate input to help inform commander selection—In August and September, the Army asked tens of thousands of Soldiers to help select the next generation of brigade and battalion commanders by comple...
- + Army to hold selection assessment program for colonels—The Army will hold the first Colonels Command Assessment Program in September at Fort Knox, Ky. The program is a four-day assessment to determine offi...
- + Soldiers sound off to Army leadership in new survey—WASHINGTON – The Army launched a new survey which allows Soldiers to voice their concerns directly and anonymously to Army leadership.
- + Services talk talent management at quarterly meeting—WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representatives from ea ch of the Armed Forces gathered to discuss talent management during the quarterly AMNAC (Army, Marines, Nav...
- + SMA shares perspective on new talent management program—Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston visited the Battalion Commander Assessment Program at Fort Knox, Jan. 17, to see the first evolution of the ...
- + DA G-1 Sergeant Major and HRC Command Sergeant Major discuss enlisted talent management—FORT KNOX, Kentucky – U.S. Army Human Resources Command recently hosted Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson, sergeant major, Headquarters Department of the Ar...
- + How a brigade in Korea built its team using the Army Talent Alignment Process—In October and November, nearly 15,000 Army officers searched for their next duty assignments through the Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP).
- + One officer's experience with the Army Talent Alignment Process—One officer's experience with the Army Talent Alignment Process Q&A With Capt. Travis Salley
- + Army announces new battalion commander selection program—The Army announced a new program for officers on the lieutenant colonel centralized selection list to attend a five-day assessment program
- + Army Talent Management Task Force conducts LPD with HQDA Staff Officers—Army Talent Management Task Force conducts LPD with HQDA Staff Officers
- + Army looking at new talent management initiatives for warrant officers—Senior warrant officers from around the Army congregated to discuss talent management on day two of the annual meeting of the Association of the U.S. ...
- + Army Talent Management at AUSA 2019—Army Talent Management at AUSA 2019
- + Army captains to take GRE to assess talent—Army officers enrolled in the Captains Career Course must take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) during the course beginning this summer.
- + Army talent management featured at annual women's symposium—WASHINGTON, DC -- Colonel Kristin Baker, the chief of outreach and innovation for the U.S. Army Talent Management Task Force, delivered remarks to the...
- + Army releases new Talent Alignment Process video—The Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP) matches officers with organizations based on their Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors, and Preferences (KSB-Ps). Of...
- + Five things Army officers and units should know about the Assignment Interactive Module—The AIM marketplace is open to officers and units at the same time so that officers moving into their next assignment and units seeking to fill assign...
- + Army Talent Based Branching Video Goes Live—The Army G1 has created a 4-minute video to tell the story of talent-based branching or "TBB," which debuted in 2012 at West Point and scaled to ROTC ...
- + KSB Training and Information for Unit S1's—Get the most out of the Assignment Interactive Module 2.0 (AIM 2) Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors (KSBs) for your unit's 20-01 Mission Essential Requ...
- + Talent Management Task Force visits Hood—Brig. Gen. Joseph P. McGee, the director of the Army Talent Management Task Force, visited Fort Hood March 19 to discuss upcoming changes on how the A...
As of 12/27/24 1:40pm. Last new 11/25/24 5:22pm. Score: 170
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