- + Fusing Intel and EW Data into the Army’s Data Centric NGC2 Architecture —Focusing on providing the Army with advanced intelligence, electronic warfare and sensor capabilities through agile acquisition is core to the PEO IEW...
- + 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) Adopts TITAN: A Game-Changer in Intelligence and Targeting—On Dec 18, the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (1st MDTF), a cutting-edge unit designed to operate across multiple domains, integrated the Tactical Intell...
- + New dismounted spectrum warfare system rapidly addresses critical Army need—Fueled by the tailored use of acquisition pathways, Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) greatly acce...
- + Teamwork and Technology Converge to Support Marines at Camp Pendleton TCE—An optimal combination of teamwork and technology led to the success of Product Director Combat Terrain Information System’s (PD CTIS) participation a...
- + Upgrades to CIRCM protect aircrew, passengers—REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. – The Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM) system is the next generation, lightweight infrared system for rotary-wing, tiltr...
- + Engineers Choose Incremental Approach Over ‘Big Bang’ to Complete DoD ABIS 2.0 Migration to the Cloud—As Product Manager (PM) Biometrics engineers were developing plans to migrate the Army’s massive biometrics matching capability, the DoD Automated Bio...
- + Supporting maneuver through acquisition —ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — At its most basic level, maneuver is the ability to move to achieve an advantageous position. In today’s complex, multi...
- + Program Executive Offices team up to discuss HR best practices—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – Program Executive Offices and Joint Program Executive Offices joined together Aug. 21 and 22, at APG for the first huma...
- + PEO IEW&S Provides Interns with Valuable Work Experience—Internships have become more important to college students preparing to enter the workforce and for people looking to explore new careers. According t...
- + Former Biometrics Operator Takes Helm of Product Manager Biometrics —Product Manager (PM) Biometrics on August 12 bid farewell to Forrest Church and welcomed Lieutenant Colonel Paul Janker during a change of charter cer...
- + PEO IEW&S, FWP celebrate adoption of 19th amendment for Women's Equality Day—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – Women’s Equality Day is a day to reflect on the lives and contributions of the remarkable individuals who played and co...
- + Remembering Maj. Gen. Harry Greene—Ten years ago this year, Maj. Gen. Harry Greene gave the ultimate sacrifice defending his country. He served the Nation in the U.S. Army for more than...
- + Army’s first TITAN ground station prototype delivered at JBLM—JOINT BASE LEWIS MCCHORD, Wash. — The Army’s need for a next generation intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance system that rapidly processes se...
- + Soldiers Experiment with Future Biometrics Collection Capability—Soldiers at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, recently performed tasks using one of the Army’s newest biometrics technologies – the Next Generation Biometr...
- + ‘Godfather’ of Army Intrusion Detection System Retires After 40 Years of Service—On June 27, Product Manager Force Protection Systems (PM FPS) Lt. Col. Matthew T. Einhorn said the scope of Richard Goehring’s service to his country ...
- + Radar Innovator Inducted into C5ISR Hall of Fame—The C5ISR Hall of Fame again opened its doors to induct several members of the C5ISR community to include a pioneering member of Program Executive Off...
- + Force Protection Systems Honors Leadership at Change of Charter Ceremony—At a change of charter ceremony held June 17 at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, outgoing Product Manager Forc...
- + PEO IEW&S Puts Honor in Action at the Perry Point Maryland Veteran’s Facility —“Honoring the Past, Defending the Future”, the Army declared this as its theme for the Army’s 249th anniversary celebrated on June 14th. Brig. Gen. Ed...
- + Officers Recognized for Outstanding Service with Project Manager Terrestrial Sensors—On May 29, Major Paul W. Adams and Major Courtney N. Franks received the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of their exemplary support to Projec...
- + Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence Changes Responsibility —Dennis Teefy completed his tenure as the Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) after passing the charter to his successor, Julie Isaac...
- + Greening Leads to More Effective Acquisition Professionals —Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) Integration Directorate (INT DIR) escorted newer members of the ...
- + PEO IEW&S Commits to Employee Retention and Development through NEO Briefs —Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) recently held their inaugural New Employee Orientation (NEO). Th...
- + James Ashworth Completes Four Decade Army Career of Leading, Mentoring…and Running—On April 30, family, friends, and colleagues honored James Ashworth during his retirement ceremony at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, in recognition of his fo...
- + Army Aviation achieves modernization through key partnerships—The United States Army Signal Corps first partnered with the Aviation community when they purchased the Wright Military Flyer in 1908. This was a two-...
- + Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) Contract Cancellation—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD – The U.S. Army recently announced the cancellation of the Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) task or...
- + Marines Demonstrate the Army’s ENFIRE Capabilities in North Carolina—Once upon a time, Army and Marine engineers used pen and paper to recon and map field terrain. Today, ENFIRE has revolutionized that approach.
- + Colleagues Honor Raef Schmidt’s Dedication to the Soldier at Retirement Ceremony—On April 2, the U.S. Army honored Raef Schmidt for his nearly 40-year career at the place where it began for him – Fort Belvoir, VA.
- + TITAN pre-prototype illuminates the way forward for the US Army's 'King of Battle'—Field Artillery (FA) has always been the U.S. military’s long reach battlefield weapon. Because of the big booms and big distance, FA has long been ca...
- + PEO IEW&S personnel get C5ISR recognition—Four personnel under Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors (PEO IEW&S) are among the 10 recently selected Comman...
- + Army finalizes CSP v3 procurement—The U.S. Army finalized a $118 million Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) with Raytheon, an RTX business, on March 18.
- + PEO IEW&S Invests in Improving Facilities for Nursing Mothers —The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Council (DEIA) within Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IE...
- + Army Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN) Ground Station Prototype - Award—6 March 2024 - The Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) announced today that Palantir Inc. was awarded Phase 3 of the Other Tr...
- + Commentary: Opportunity to gain Experience in the APG Wide Developmental Assignment Program (ADAP)—The APG Wide Developmental Assignment Program (ADAP) is a nine-month developmental opportunity for Government employees at the GS nine through 13 leve...
- + Matt Schumacher Uses his Acquisition Experience to Build the Next Generation of Professionals —Matt Schumacher became the Deputy Product Manager for Product Manager Information Warfare Cyber Development (IWCD) in April of last year. He is respon...
- + PM Aircraft Survivability Equipment Engrained Throughout Redstone Community—The Army today faces an ever-evolving threat that requires holistic approaches in designing, developing, and building solutions that outpace our enemi...
- + The future of Army deep sensing—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — Since the publication of the joint Army/Marine Corps Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) white paper in 2016, there has been ...
- + PEO IEW&S Auditor Wins DoD Award for Her Keen Eye for Efficiencies —PEO IEW&S auditor is recognized for her abilities in streamlining work inefficiencies and then sharing her skill through training.
- + Monica Griffin Wins Engineering and Technical Manager Professional of the Year Award —The Army Acquisition Executive’s (AAE) Excellence in Leadership Awards recognize the performance of an individual or team who achieve exceptional miss...
- + PEO IEW&S LNOs: eyes and ears to the force —When Soldiers are deployed, they don’t always know who to turn to if their equipment needs repair or if it just isn’t worth the rucksack real estate. ...
- + PEO IEW&S Honors Those Who Have Served —“To every veteran, to every man and woman who has served or still does: Because you put on the cloth of our nation, America is safer and stronger.” - ...
- + PM Defensive Cyber Operations adds to PEO IEW&S MDO Solutions—In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity; adaptability and innovation are paramount. As threats become more sophisticated and pervasive, organi...
- + Joseph Gross Wins the US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) Director’s Award for Excellence in Leadership—The US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) Director’s Award for Excellence in Leadership is for demonstrated and exceptional leadership by an individual, eit...
- + PEO IEW&S Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month—The Army recognizes National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15thru October 15. This observance provides the opportunity to recognize Hispanic ...
- + A pivotal summer for Army airborne electronic warfare—JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. — A steadfast focus on equipping the warfighter and establishing Army spectrum dominance underscored this summe...
- + PM PNT leader named Outstanding Woman of the Year—Deputy Project Manager for Positioning, Navigation & Timing (PNT) Julie Isaac was named Outstanding Woman of the Year for 2023by the Aberdeen Prov...
- + Cyber Quest 23 informs cyber and electronic warfare program managers—FORT GORDON, Ga. — Environment matters when it comes to experimentation and analysis of capabilities for the Army. To determine how a piece of technol...
- + West Point Cadets broaden their experiences at PEO IEW&S—Building the next generation of Army leaders through mentoring programs and internships is one aspect of what Program Executive Office Intelligence El...
- + Growth in cyber mission leads to new PM Office at PEO IEW&S—To support the expanding cyber, information warfare and tactical space missions, Project Management Cyber and Space (PM C&S), was created as a new...
- + PEO IEWS Recognizes the Military Intelligence Branch's 61st Birthday—Intelligence has been an important part of the U.S. Army operations during war as well as during periods of peace since the Revolutionary War when Gen...
- + C5ISR Hall of Fame Inducts Former PEO—The Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) Hall of Fame welcomed several new induct...
- + Fathers’ Service Instills Values of Service in Next Generation—For Father's Day, we're highlighting three special dads and their children who currently serve PEO IEWS.
- + PEO IEW&S Members Celebrate Pride Month—Since the repeal of the DoD’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)” policy in 2011, members of the LGBTQIA+ community can serve openly, living their authenti...
- + Project Manager Terrestrial Sensors Changes Charter —On May 11 at the Fort Belvoir Officers Club, Col. Loyd Beal III culminated his tenure as Project Manager, Terrestrial Sensors (PM TS) in passing the c...
- + Daughters Follow in Mothers Footsteps—Mom’s impact us all in special ways which includes our career choices. This year, in celebration of Mother’s Day, we’re highlighting two teammates at ...
- + Army TENCAP Celebrates 50 Years of Delivering Intelligence—1973 was a unique time in American history. The Vietnam War was ongoing, gas shortages were causing long lines at the pumps, “Tie a Ribbon Around the ...
- + A Day of Remembrance: A Family’s Personal Holocaust Experience—The Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) recently hosted a Day of Remembrance event at the C5ISR Camp...
- + Extraordinary professional women drive advanced technology, Army modernization—“Women have been making the world go round since the beginning of time,” said Project Director Sensors Aerial Intelligence’s (PD SAI) business chief S...
- + Preparing Army leaders for a data-centric future—In line with the Army’s plan to restructure its force into a data-centric organization, senior leaders from Program Executive Office Intelligence, Ele...
- + Beloved Army General Honored in Plaque Rededication Ceremony—Hundreds showed up at the C5ISR campus on Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Maryland to honor the service, life, leadership, and legacy of Maj. Gen. Haro...
- + PD SAI superstar supports ARTEMIS, ARES, ATHENA programs—Sue Tyndall helps support the ARTEMIS, ARES, and PEO Aviation-led ATHENA programs.
- + Supporting the Army ISR Task Force Modernization Strategy—PD SAI leads the procurement of equipment and aerial sensor technology to deliver the Army's priority to see farther than our adversaries.
- + New interactive multimedia instruction will improve Gray Eagle systems training—New Army computer-based training (CBT) is making training more accessible, interactive, and fun for Soldiers. Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intellig...
- + African American achievement inspires Army tech professionals—African American achievement inspires tech professionals at PEO IEW&S From owning multiple IT patents to earning advanced degrees in computer scie...
- + Army’s interoperable sensors solution keeps military modernization efforts on track—Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA) aims to improve the Army's ability to operate in complex environments and respond to changing tactical situations...
- + PM EW&C Recognized for Acquisition Excellence in Use of Flexible and Agile Contracting Approaches—During the Army Acquisition Executive’s (AAE) award ceremony this month, the Honorable Douglas R. Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitio...
- + PEO business leaders launch mentoring program—Business leaders from three different Program Executive Offices launch leadership mentoring program
- + PEO IEW&S biometrics and industry improve DOD ABIS, win Best Tech award—Army developers unlock faster DOD-wide biometric data transmission times with new capability
- + Army's agile software development keeps pace with threat—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — The pace of technological advances and the evolving threat require the Army to accelerate how it delivers capability. P...
- + Soldiers now have ability to install STARLite A-Kits in the field—Soldiers can now install Small Tactical Radar Lightweight (STARLite) A-Kits while out int he field.
- + Mounted Assured PNT – Now and Into the Future—Assured and accurate location information is one of the most critical requirements Soldiers demand in today’s saturated electronic battlefield, having...
- + PEO IEW&S staff share military experiences, personal stories on Veterans Day—Four veterans in electronic warfare acquisitions talk about their military service, their work, serving Soldiers and Veterans Day.
- + Major protector of aircraft achieves Initial Operational Capability—Aviation Soldiers, passengers, and their aircraft will be afforded an advanced level of protection from enemy threats due to the recent milestone of I...
- + PEO IEW&S celebrates and reflects on Women’s Equality Day 2022—Women’s Equality Day is celebrated in the United States on August 26 each year. It commemorates the addition of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution...
- + Saturn Arch completes final CENTCOM mission—Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) successfully completed the final mission for the Saturn Arch Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) air...
- + PEOIEW&S and Industry partners team up for milestone Acquisition Lead Time Industry Forum —In order to protect Soldiers and provide them with vital systems on the battlefield, the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electron...
- + PM Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System CoR—Dennis Teefy, Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI), presided over a Change of Responsibility ceremony in which Eric Hughes, Acting Pr...
- + TITAN Update—ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD – Army Contracting Command and Project Manager, Intelligence Systems and Analytics (PM IS&A) entered into separate Oth...
- + PM ASE Partners with HBCU to Increase Technical Prowess—Increasing the quantity and experience level of graduates available for hire from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Se...
- + Leadership of Product Manager Aerial Enhanced Radars, Optics, and Sensors Changes Hands—Dennis Teefy, Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI), presided over a Change of Charter ceremony in which Lt. Col. Melvin Mitchell, the...
As of 12/27/24 1:40pm. Last new 12/24/24 8:30am. Score: 135
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