- + Chemical demilitarization program nearing the end for Huntsville Center [Image 1 of 3]—With concrete walls 26 inches thick, the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant's Munitions Demilitarization Building has the most complica...
- + Chemical demilitarization program nearing the end for Huntsville Center [Image 2 of 3]—Inside the Agent Processing Building of the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant, a start-up specialist tests the Cavity Access Machines of t...
- + Chemical demilitarization program nearing the end for Huntsville Center [Image 3 of 3]—An aerial view of the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant in Richmond, Ky., in July 2014. The completion of plant construction - schedul...
- + MDB Construction—Construction workers at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant completed the final concrete placement on the main weapons-processing bu...
As of 12/26/24 9:23pm. Last new 12/26/24 2:21pm. Score: 161
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