- + Kathryn on Fox & Friends: Remembering Rush One Year Later— [Category: Transcripts] [Link to media]
- + All Episodes: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone Podcast— [Category: Transcripts] [Link to media]
- + “Rootin’ For Putin!” May Become a Bumper Sticker Since He Clearly Bested Bumbling Biden—Guide Host Ken Matthews is a respected radio pro, not a bumper sticker writer, but he said he is tempted to start cranking them out with the slogan "R...
- + Build the Wall! Free State of Texas Does the Job Biden Won’t Do—KEN: Yesterday -- oh, I was so stoked to see this -- Abbott, the governor, launched a border wall project. Remember last week he said I'm just gonna b...
- + Chuck Barkley Cancels Himself, Blasts Woke Cowards—KEN: Charles Barkley, star of Inside the NBA, the face of the show for the past 21 years announced on Washington sports radio, The Fan, that he'll be ...
- + Lori Lightweight Loses It—Even though it was Chicago Mayor Lori Lightweight (proving the validity of Rush's nickname for her even more in this embarrassing instance) who was ru...
- + Where Trump Pushed Back on Putin, Biden Shows Weakness—As of today's "high stakes summit" - as virtually every media outlet on the planet is calling it - both President Trump and President Biden have met o...
- + The Swamp Unites to Spend $1 Trillion We Don’t Have on “Infrastructure”—JASON: The swamp has taken sides. One of the things we were gonna do -- had I won the U.S. Senate race, had President Trump had his second term -- is ...
- + The Nonsense of Electric Vehicles Being the Answer to High Oil Prices—JASON: When it comes to the green energy nonsense, understand this: The Democrats are pushing electric vehicles on America. Now, you can't afford them...
- + Late Night Liberals Shill for the State and Communist China on the Wuhan Virus—JASON: Imagine for a moment that -- oh, I don't know -- Vladimir Putin had a lab and was fiddling around with, oh, viruses. And at his lab, bats were ...
- + History Will Not Be Kind to Those Who Pushed the Disastrous Lockdown—It's not the 600,000-plus American lives we've just reached today that have been forever lost to the virus China probably leaked ("purposely or inadve...
- + The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter—Guide Host Jason Lewis isn't reveling in the second coming of Jimmy Carter in the form of Joe Biden, he's revolted by it - and wondering why more terr...
- + North Korean Defector on Ivy League Libs: “America’s Future Is as Bleak as North Korea”—JASON: A North Korean defector, student at Columbia University, spoke to Fox News about this, about what she's observing in American trends right now....
- + Australian News Tells the Truth About Biden and the Fawning American Media—It is usually us wondering, "What happened to straight news reporting?" Or asking with concern, "Does Joe Biden really have the confidence, like Donal...
- + We Never Need an Excuse to Revisit Rush’s Larry the Lobster Story—JASON: There's a guy in Cape Cod who claims he was swallowed by a humpback whale while diving for lobsters. I told you it was a stretch, but just bear...
- + Biden Makes Fool of Himself in Europe—"It's scary and entertaining at the same time," Guide Host Ken Matthews said describing Joe Biden's laughable, sometimes "gibberish"-filled performanc...
- + Kamala Harris Loses All Credibility As Border Crisis Rages—KEN: Kamala Harris, to me, is the greatest, greatest failure, that was the biggest loss of credibility. I gotta tell you, she presents herself like an...
- + Bibi Netanyahu Fiercely Defended Western Values—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "appealed to conservatives around the world," Guide Host Ken Matthews lamented upon his ouster. His replacem...
- + Celebrate Flag Day by Remembering When Rush Got a Very Special Delivery in the Mail—KEN: It is Flag Day. June 14th, 244 years ago Congress commemorated Betsy Ross's creation of the Stars and Stripes as our national flag. And I was rai...
- + Rush See, I Told You So: Trump Told You So—KEN: Rush had a lot of See, I Told You So moments. Here's one. Trump was right. RUSH: You know, one thing that has been axiomatic from the beginn...
As of 9/16/24 7:37am. Last new 9/14/24 4:29pm. Score: 257
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