- + Army Reserve Soldiers lay wreaths for veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War [Image 2 of 4]—Capt. Michael Ariola, Public Affairs Officer, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, representing the U.S. Army, prepares to lay a wreath at a Wreath...
- + Army Reserve Soldiers lay wreaths for veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War [Image 4 of 4]—Sgt. Amrit Sandhu, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command color guard, places a wreath at a gravestone during Wreaths Across America Day at Elk Grove ...
- + Army Reserve Soldiers lay wreaths for veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War [Image 1 of 4]—Army Reserve Soldiers assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command color guard present the colors during the Wreaths Across America Day even...
- + Army Reserve Soldiers lay wreaths for veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War—History came alive at a Wreaths Across America event held Saturday, December 14th, 2024, at Elk Grove Cemetery, a small cemetery nestled between the I...
- + Army Reserve Soldiers lay wreaths for veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War [Image 3 of 4]—Color guard teams stand at attention at Wreaths Across America Day at the Elk Grove Cemetery on Saturday, December 14th, 2024. Local government offici...
- + Building Strong and Ready Teams—Soldiers assigned to the 3-338th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, supported a recent Building Strong and Ready Team...
- + 2024 85th USARSC Year in Review—The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command Year in Review video reflecting on calendar year 2024 with our 85th Family and local community partners. (...
- + Veterans are honored at 'Salute to Service' Chicago Bears game—Gen. Randy George, Army Chief of Staff, along with service members from each branch of service participated in the Chicago Bears 'Salute to Service' g...
- + Army Reserve general officer celebrates Veterans Day program with local high school [Image 1 of 4]—Cadet First Lieutenant Cristian Andrade, a Waller High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps member, conducts the Armed Drill Team Routine du...
- + Army Reserve general officer celebrates Veterans Day program with local high school [Image 2 of 4]—U.S. Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, gives remarks to the audience at Waller High...
- + Army Reserve general officer celebrates Veterans Day program with local high school [Image 4 of 4]—Retired Maj. Bill Briley shares photographs of his father and himself, during their time in the Armed Forces, at the 41st Annual Veterans Day program ...
- + Army Reserve general officer celebrates Veterans Day program with local high school—Veterans from each branch of the U.S. military gathered in the gymnasium of Waller High School to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Veterans Day. The ...
- + Army Reserve general officer celebrates Veterans Day program with local high school [Image 3 of 4]—Waller High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps members fold the American Flag during a Veterans Day program on Nov. 11, 2024. Waller High ...
- + Veterans Day ceremony reflects on U.S. service members Missing in Action during the Korean War [Image 4 of 4]—Young Ho Jung, Consul General of the Republic of Korea, presents a plaque with a picture of MIA Sgt. Frank Ayala Velasco to surviving family members d...
- + Veterans Day ceremony reflects on U.S. service members Missing in Action during the Korean War [Image 3 of 4]—Veterans and community members in attendance applaud during a Memorial Services for U.S. Military Members Missing in Action During the Korean War cere...
- + Veterans Day ceremony reflects on U.S. service members Missing in Action during the Korean War [Image 1 of 4]—Young Ho Jung, Consul General of the Republic of Korea, speaks during a ceremony honoring and remembering U.S. service members Missing in Action durin...
- + Veterans Day ceremony reflects on U.S. service members Missing in Action during the Korean War—Veterans gathered with local community members of the Calvary Korean Baptist Church of Houston, November 10, 2024, to honor and remember service membe...
- + Veterans Day ceremony reflects on U.S. service members Missing in Action during the Korean War [Image 2 of 4]—U.S. Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, speaks to the audience at the Calvary Korean...
- + Army Reserve commanding general speaks at Houston-based high school Veterans ceremony—Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, gave remarks as the guest speaker for Waller High School's 41s...
- + Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley speaks at Veterans Day service in Houston—Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command and a Texas resident, honored local veterans and Soldiers missi...
- + Veterans receive honor at Soldier Field during Chicago Bears ‘Salute to Service’ game [Image 1 of 5]—A guitar player with the 82nd Airborne Division Rock Band performs for football fans at Soldier Field in Chicago before the start of the Chicago Bears...
- + Veterans receive honor at Soldier Field during Chicago Bears ‘Salute to Service’ game [Image 2 of 5]—Gen. Randy George, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, conducts an interview with NBC 5 Chicago before the start of the Chicago Bears versus New...
- + Veterans receive honor at Soldier Field during Chicago Bears ‘Salute to Service’ game—The Chicago Bears invited the U.S. Armed Forces to Chicago, providing live music by the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division Rock Band, the U.S. Marine ...
- + Soldier’s passing bonds his family together with his Army Family—“With the unfortunate passing of Staff Sgt. (Dante) Bell, it did bring our unit and team members closer together, and it gave us confirmation on thing...
- + Memorial Ceremony for Staff Sgt. Dante Bell—The leadership and Soldiers assigned to the 3-347th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, along with the family of Staff...
- + October battle assembly Army Combat Fitness Test—The Soldiers of headquarters and headquarters company, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, held an Army Combat Fitness Test, October 5, 2024, duri...
- + 85th U.S Army Reserve Support Command welcomes its new HHC commander—Under a sun filled sky, Capt. James Nolla became the new Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander of the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command...
- + Hispanic Heritage: Army Reserve Civilian, Soldier, leader reflects on her service—With service deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, under two different military occupational specialties, Isaura Guerrero-Perez, assigned to the 85th U...
- + New partnership benefits Soldiers seeking a law enforcement career with Chicago Police—Chicago Police Department Superintendent Larry Snelling and U.S. Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve S...
- + Army Reserve Soldier honored during Chicago Sky WNBA game—“Representing the Army Reserve tonight at a Chicago Sky game in my hometown, in front of my family, was a humbling experience and incredible opportuni...
- + WNBA's Chicago Sky honors local Army Reserve Soldier during their home game's 'Military Moment'—Master Sgt. Vicky Brown, Senior Human Resources Non-commissioned Officer, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, was honored during the WNBA's Chicag...
- + Chicago’s 2024 Steuben Parade welcomes Army Reserve Soldier as honored guest—“As both a U.S. Soldier and German-American, it was a profound honor to represent the Army Reserve in the (Von) Steuben Parade, said Master Sgt. Jason...
- + 1304th Military Police Company welcome home ceremony—Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 1304th Military Police Company, received a welcome home ceremony from Chicagoland Soldiers, local surrounding p...
- + Soldiers conduct Active Shooter training exercise with local police—Chicagoland Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, partnered with the Arlington Heights Police Department, Aug...
- + Why I Serve - Sgt. Maria Johanna Yu—Sgt. Maria Johanna Yu, CBRN OC/T, 1-338th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares her story of service and why she ...
- + Dynamic and flexible force: Army Reserve OC/Ts prepare for mobilization mission—Observer coach/trainers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command's 1-338th Training Support Battalion, conducted range operations, at F...
- + Chicagoland Army Reserve general is honored with first pitch during state champion baseball tournament—American Legion Post 76 hosted the state champion baseball tournament for the Great Lakes region, August 7, 2024, where Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Co...
As of 12/27/24 1:37pm. Last new 12/27/24 1:37pm. Score: 131
- Next feed in category: 82nd Airborne Division Sustainment Brigade